DAIL QUESTION to Minister for Health, Leo Varadkar

* Minister Varadkar was asked by Finian McGrath TD if he will support Biobank Trust Ireland (sic) in 2015-2016 (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter.


I acknowledge the benefits that would accrue from a national biobanking infrastructure. In 2012 the Health Research Group adopted a National Plan for Biobanking. An action “to take steps to establish a national biobanking system and support infrastructure by 2016” was subsequently included in the Action Plan for Jobs.

The Health Research Board, which is funded by my Department, has led work on the biobanking initiative with the relevant agencies and is progressing the initiative. It would, therefore, be appropriate for Biobank Trust Ireland to engage with the HRB on the matter.

See link to RTE news coverage of the “Biobank Ireland – Now We Are 10” meeting in September 2014.


Irish Biobank Web Portal Design Workshop

The web portal will be a catalogue of samples available for approved academic and industry researchers. The portal will provide restricted data only with no identifying patient details.

This meeting on 15th October 2015 had representatives of Biobank Ireland, our portal developer partner SuprTecBox, and 2 biopharma companies in attendance. It provided practical information and insight into the variable sample needs of companies and how samples might be accessed for projects. Follow-up with other companies is ongoing.

The requirements of academic researchers are being assessed separately, and we also plan to consult with patient groups.

Our Scientific Partners & Supporters

The Biobanking in Ireland Review and Directory

Introducing the Biobanking in Ireland Review and Directory, a comprehensive resource compiling detailed information on Ireland’s key biobanks, their leadership teams, research focus areas, and capabilities to support collaboration and advance scientific discovery. We will circulate this Directory in the coming months. If you are a biobank and wish to participate, please reach out to us for inclusion.