Ciaran Flanagan, Andrew Butler and Paul Lyons participated in the Tri-Athy Triathlon recently in support of Biobank Trust Ireland. It was held over a rainy and blustery weekend in July 2022. With over 530 competitors this well organised annual event was well supported, TriAthy comprises a tough 750m swim in the River Barrow followed by a 25km cycle race and a final 10k run through the Kildare town. The three biobank warriors completed the course in fine style and raised funds for Biobank Ireland Trust through their great efforts, thank you and well done.
Introducing the Biobanking in Ireland Review and Directory, a comprehensive resource compiling detailed information on Ireland’s key biobanks, their leadership teams, research focus areas, and capabilities to support collaboration and advance scientific discovery. We will circulate this Directory in the coming months. If you are a biobank and wish to participate, please reach out to us for inclusion.