HRCI Position Paper 2024

Read more about the recommendations made by Health Research Charities Ireland (HRCI) for elected representatives and policy makers in 2024 through the publication of their Position Paper. Within this paper, you will learn about new legislation in key areas, the need for investment in research infrastructure and how health research charities are responding to the needs of the public to accelerate the impact of this vital research.

View the paper here.

Biobank Kicky’s Dublin Campaign

Thank you to the excellent Kickys on South Great Georges Street, who ran a campaign supporting the work of Biobank Ireland which raised over a thousand euros during the busy month of December, our two founders Ciaran Flanagan and Professor Eoin Gaffney met Richie Barrett and Eric Mathews yesterday to receive this wonderful donation. This campaign also helped to support greater awareness of the importance of biobanking to critical medical research. Kickys will be supporting Biobank Ireland at other stages throughout this year and we would like to thank them for this ongoing and important support. 

St Michael’s College Pupils Raise €1000 to Biobank Ireland

A big thank you to the 5th year pupils of St Michael’s College in Ballsbridge, who through their hard work over Christmas raised €1000 towards the work of Biobank Ireland from their annual christmas tree sale, this helps to support medical research through our network.

Thank you Mr Sheridan and all the team!

#biobankireland #biobanking #cancerresearch #cancerawareness #cancersupport



Our Scientific Partners & Supporters

The Biobanking in Ireland Review and Directory

Introducing the Biobanking in Ireland Review and Directory, a comprehensive resource compiling detailed information on Ireland’s key biobanks, their leadership teams, research focus areas, and capabilities to support collaboration and advance scientific discovery. We will circulate this Directory in the coming months. If you are a biobank and wish to participate, please reach out to us for inclusion.